Sunday, October 18, 2009

A rare weekend post...from the road!

One tends to pontificate a bit when one writes on a blog at nearly 5 in the morning on a weekend, but I promise that no alcohol was harmed in the making of this column.

7DB took the show on the road, returning to an outpost that served well in a previous incarnation. After spending some time with many people that have spent many, many hours toiling alongside yours truly, I have nothing but good feelings for the experience of touching on, and reconnecting to, a way of life I enjoyed so much.

I also understand that much of what I love about this adventure has changed in dynamic. It does not resonate the same way with me as it did before, although it still remains enjoyable.

The expectations for this trip were limited, as Ms. 7DB had to attend to some work matters several hours away, leaving her husband to tend to his metaphorical flock alone for a few days.

Even in a few short months, the perspective shift is remarkable.

Moving to Estate du 7DB after the wedding, shortly after convincing Ms. 7DB that said wedding to someone of my caliber (.357, if you must know) was a good idea to begin with, pulled at many resources and absorbed days and weeks at a time. Leaving behind just short of two decades of friends and acquaintences, of business contacts and employment experiences, all to start anew up the way is much more time- and energy-consuming than it might have been earlier in life. Finding outlets for energy, both mental and physical, in a place new in location and inhabitants can be daunting. Might actually drive a man to blog...

There was some thought that it was a case of getting older. Growing up. Since Christmas decorations are already in the stores, I can safely say Bah Humbug! to that concept. Another consideration: things change simply by leaving their presence and returning. There may be something to that. But an overriding idea keeps floating about in the mental conversation bubble floating overhead-

Everything keeps moving.

It can be hard to acknowledge, but when circumstances change, the participants in them change as well. It may not be perceptible or overt, but the most overwhelmingly familiar things suddenly are forever different. All involved have moved forward. It is often times important to remember to go forward with them.

Go forth and prosper, loyal readers of this space, and know that those not nearby are still aware of your presence...


Without divulging trade secrets, I can safely suggest viewing the 2009 Spike TV SCREAM awards, airing next Tuesday (check local listings). The award show, in its fourth year, is dedicated to those often overlooked genres in the award circuit. Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror films and TV series comprise a rather large contingent of the TV viewing public's time, especially in that revered 18-30 demographic. Spike showed some savvy moving into the fray with a bold, bright evening of celebrating these oft-forgotten souls.

Many celebrity guests turn out to participate or just look on (past presenters include Quentin Tarantino, Jessica Alba and Harrison Ford), and the awards given are not of the garden variety (best slaying, most gruesome dismemberment, etc.) Sneak previews of the most anticipated movies in the field are shown (this year's quick peak at the next installment in the Twilight series is rather intriguing) and a festive audience shows up kill. (Ok, melodramatic I know. But they wear masks and fake blood. Can't I wiggle it just a little bit?)

Even if these films and shows are not normally in your viewing mix, give this one-of-a-kind award show a shot. If for no other reason than watching the stuff that the 'others' watch and enjoy the parade of life that is more than a touch different. It's worth it, even for a Tuesday...

***New posts to come on Tuesday, as life returns to the Casa de la Siete Dinero then. Be well...***

1 comment:

  1. I'll be sure to tell Ty about the Spike Awards... sounds like they are right up his alley... :)
