Monday, October 26, 2009

The decreasing value of a Penn State education...

...was illustrated in the Sunday activities of Larry Johnson, a running back for the Kansas City Chiefs, who had their a**es handed to them in a narrow 37-7 thumping at the hands of the now 3-3 San Diego Chargers.

Johnson, a malcontent well before this season, has not made it to the end zone thus far this year, and believes he is not at fault for this. In illustrating his coach's inexperience and lack of football cred, Johnson used his Twitter account to state:

"My father got more creditentials than most of these pro coaches."

That is followed by: "My father played for the coach from "rememeber the titans". Our coach played golf. My father played for redskins briefley. Our coach. Nuthn."

Now, while Chiefs' head coach Todd Haley is in his first year coaching in Kansas City, it should be noted he has six more games of coaching experience than Larry does, but Larry followed these blasts with some more savory bits.

Later, after some of his 'followers' remarked on his postings, Johnson taunted his followers by tweeting: "Make me regret it. Lmao. U don't stop my checks. Lmao. So 'tweet' away."

When someone then responded by mentioning his previous arrest record, which includes spitting his drink in the face of a woman out at a club, Johnson responded with a rant that included calling the respondent a 'f**'.

Please note the three letters, instead of the four that usually make up a swear word starting with 'f'. This negative euphemism for a homosexual has long been in the undercurrent of non-swear word swear words, but it also reflects badly on the people who are responsible for educating this 'man' (quotes to illustrate that this is not behavior of a real man), and we all know that this schlub didn't actually participate in the education that Penn State University kindly gave him, gratis. Nonetheless, the school is the one on my mind after hearing of this debacle.

If we agree, albeit begrudgingly, that college athletics have very little to do with college education, there is still the matter of what preparation for adult life is taking place in these institutions. If a college player does not take physics, I understand (a bit), as it may not apply to his or her chosen profession. If a college player does not take media relations (and score very well), the institution is failing in its true goal, that of preparing your students for adult life. Joe Paterno would take this little sh*t by the earlobe and make him run until he threw up a kidney if he were on campus still (I suspect), but his stupid stances on contract holdouts (as a rookie), public run-ins at clubs (the girl/drink sequence was his third altercation in his first two years) and his reprehensible interactions with fans noted here suggest that he is too far gone to help. No layers of agents and PR reps can cure stupidity, and Larry Johnson should, to quote a radio show caller, "shut his women-hating a** and leave Kansas City on the first thing smoking."

I hate PC behavior (other than computing on one, as Macs are designed for hipsters and graphic designers...two groups that are not mutually exclusive), and never like to believe that what people say in the heat of the moment reflects on their character in a permanent way, but the idea that he would post an unfiltered response on the Internet with such ill-chosen vernacular shows he is just flat-out dumb. Disconnect from reality is bad enough ("U cant stop my checks"), but adding scornful words in a derogatory tone for the 'cool points' of winning a text argument? Really?

If by the use of these words, Larry meant to call some nameless writer on a Internet page an idiot, moron or loser, all he did was identify himself as one. Go Nittany Lions!

(By the way, why not just 'Lions'? Penn State is almost 150 years old, and could have laid claim to a strong and simple name for its mascot easily. Instead, an agricultural school named itself after a non-farm animal, then made it really specific. The names of mascots in the Big Ten conference: Gophers, Hawkeyes, Badgers, Wolverines, Buckeyes, Wildcats, Fighting Illini, Boilermakers, Hoosiers, Spartans...and Nittany Lions. Warriors, regional animals, parts of a tree (nice work, THE Ohio State idiots)...and an animal that is a mountain lion that used to roam the range of Mount Nittany. Why so specific? Why not the Penn State Mountain Lions? Everyone knows they are dangerous wild animals...a Nittany Lion sounds like a Shetland pony. Cute, smaller and tame version of a proud animal. Just sayin'...)


There is not much to say about Falcon the Balloon Boy that has not been said. He 'fessed up on Good Morning America (I think) that it was a gimmick for a TV show that Dad was working on. The family has appeared twice (twice!) on Wife Swap, the quality viewing that ABC is passing off as an advertising vehicle. Neither time did the visiting spouse enjoy their stay, it seems.

The problem lies in a similar spot to the plight of Jaycee Dugard. Jaycee, since being freed of her tent city jail in Northern California, has taken to the cover of People magazine and began the 'exclusive interview' circuit. I hope that she is able to eventually return to something of a calm and happy life, but the adults around her in her youth did little to contribute to that (and I refer to the abductors, Phillip Garrido and his wife, not her parents) possibility. Young Falcon was already behind the proverbial 8-ball with his parents' ill-advised naming choice, but now will be vilified by anyone with an Internet connection for perpetrating a hoax that made people care about his existence. Good luck in the future, young man...


It has been estimated by those who do these kinds of estimates that it costs health care providers and the U.S. Government approximately $150 billion per year to take care of the obese and the health problems that occur in them. This number, whilst dwarfed by recent sums thrown around in various bailouts and such, is staggering.

Let me write it out: $150,000,000,000.

My paycheck for a week's work recently was, pre-tax, about 1/115,384,615th of that total. So, in about 2.2 million years, I alone could pay this off. For one year. If each of us adopted an obese person, then let the pharmaceutical companies keep us alive with drugs, given gratis of course, we could eliminate obesity once and for all. Or we could eliminate Super Sizing and delivery pizza. Either way...

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