Monday, September 28, 2009

Randy Quaid plus Brett Favrvrvrvrve equals The New World Order

A weekend of reflection gives one clarity on the world. After narrow victories by 7DB's teams on Saturday and Sunday, plus some quality time with Mrs. 7DB, a grander understanding of the outside world became clearer. And it sucks.

Randy Quaid, most famous for being a dork in various acting roles (Vacation, anybody?), and his wife Evi were arrested in Marfa, Texas for evading a hotel bill in Santa Barbara, CA and generating an arrest warrant for the two. The bill is estimated to be in the $10k range, and apparently both of the Quaids fought back against the police when arrested on the warrant. Quaid produced a copy of a cashier's check at some point to prove he had rectified the problem, and this will now undoubtedly fade into the memory banks as something equally stupid replaces it on TMZ.

This is not the first time Quaid and his wife have skipped a hotel bill, it seems (previous news reports from two years ago bring a similar scenario to light), nor will it probably be the last. I am not sure if it is a cheap thrill for these folks to tempt the law, if it the need for excitement that brings a 'dine-n-dash' mentality to hotel bills on occasion or if it is financial difficulties stemming from a budding acting career gone awry (um...twenty years ago, that is), but it seems that Randy and Evi should find better outlets for their energies. The most disturbing thing is the trend towards everything that is not life-threatening being considered 'minor'.

If you or I had committed such an 'infraction', then assulted the officers who brought this to light, we would not have Internet access to read this column, I would think. The fact that Cousin Eddie got his own National Lampoon sequel in the first place is the crime I'd like him punished for, but there will be no lasting ramifications from this, I am quite sure...


The brand-new TV seen resting above a certain fireplace nearly suffered a horrible fate as Brett Favrrvrvrvrvre and the Vikings played Sunday against the San Francisco 49-ers.

As the veteran quarterback kept getting delay-of-game penalties and was flagged for throwing a pass after he crossed the line of scrimmage (and flagged after review, as there was no infraction cited on the field), various items were sized up for their ability to fly through said TV screen, land inside the Metrodome, and somehow find the side of Favrrvrvrvrrvrvre's helmet.

The Vikings then scored a miraculous touchdown on an incredible pass to a receiver who admitted afterwards he was not supposed to be on the field for that play, but replaced the featured receiver when he became winded in the last moments, with two seconds remaining on the clock to win the game and remain undefeated.

The owners of the TV were relieved, although the Samsung company was disappointed at the loss of another potential sale due to replacement caused by said quarterback.


So, as the headline suggests, these two stories connect somehow. That weekend of reflection made me realize that this world will never make sense in the context of any one story involving guys who retire weekly or never-was actors skipping out on the tab. How do I know this to be true, you ask? Only look to the new headlines...

Today, CNBC reports that, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Communism in China, the granddaughter of Chairman Mao Zedong has opened a souvenir shop in Beijing, selling Mao-morabilia such as T-Shirts and bobbleheads with Mao's likeness.

The founder of communism in China, memorialized with a coffee cup, available for just 25 yuan. Think he'd approve?

1 comment:

  1. Word was that it was highly restricted, traffic stopped so that residents could only watch on sanitized TV. I think he'd be proud, even more so if he'd had the beach boys appear singing Papa ooh Mao Mao. Or declared himself General and bough GM - General Mao Motors, imagine the possibilities. :P
