Sunday, July 24, 2011

A good reason to begin blogging again...

It has been since last March that I have made a post here. Allow me a moment to expound upon why...
The date of the last post was 3/22/10, and I was hired to the Sacramento FOX TV affiliate the next day. I began there 3/29, and have been writing far too much ever since. Writing and producing TV during odd hours drains the desire to sit and post things in free time...forgive the transgression.

So, now I sit on the precipice of entering fatherhood, as Harper Lynn is preparing to make her entrance (as Jamie is preparing for her exit). The words flutter through my head as to how this all feels, but suffice it to say that it's the most thrilling moment Jamie and I have shared together (yes, possibly even more thrilling than the wedding, since we already kinda knew what would happen there...)

I'll return to Seven Dollar Bill-mode shortly, and am anxious to let loose on a few thousand thoughts that have been banging around in my head these past 16+ months, but for a moment, I am going to enjoy the pending arrival of our young lady. She's gonna rock my world, no doubt. :)